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We help writers and filmmakers find publishers, agents, and film industry contacts.

Nonfiction Books

CONGRATULATIONS!  Chances are that you are looking at this site for professional services and if so, you are having a GREAT DAY!

You know how we often contract for services and too often we do not get nearly what we expected? Or worse? In my case, I had hired an “Author Consultant,” and it was worse than nothing.

But, lucky me, I invested a modest amount with Publishers Agents & Films and got a great deal More and Better than I ever imagined.

I had been sending queries to literary agents for over a year, without a hint of interest. I am a long-time writer and had fine- tuned my query about 15 times.

PA&F took a look at my query, suggested I change the introductory font size, that I take out one paragraph and add some content on one major issue in the form of four or five bullets.

You know how you are working in the weeds so long and sometimes you do not see the Big Picture? That was me. I knew in a flash that the content suggestion would make a big difference and it did!

PA&F sent out my query to a host of agents and publishers and BINGO! On the very day it went out, I got six requests for my book proposal, six more than I had gotten in my life!

AND I got a data base list of the agents’ names and agencies, along with the name of the key contact at each publishing house and the name of the publishing house.

This whole process from end to end took me about a week. My account manager was always there to answer a few questions; I mean early in the morning and well into the evening.

Less than a half day before we were going to go live, I asked them to put in a single word that I had failed to add in my rewrite. They did it!

I give my unqualified, whole-hearted recommendation for the services and the fine folks of Publishers Agents & Films. CONGRATULATIONS! You are having a GREAT DAY!

Brian Hampton
Author: It’s a Great Life If You Don’t Weaken! How do Deal with the Ups and Downs in Life and Jerks In-Between
Arlington, VA.


Thanks you so much!  I had close to twenty people request the manuscript (for my memoir and inspirational book, but one agent told me to call me.   She has worked with (many big names in entertainment). I think she is the right one!  Thank you.  That was fast!”

Tricia Barker 
Author of Angels in the OR
Fort Worth, TX


“I used NudgeLine’s services to send my book query to literary agents. Within a month I was deluged by rejection notices, even from agents who previously did not even bother to answer. Two agencies however wanted to see my work; one of them turned out to be a perfect fit, and I signed a contract within two months of sending NudgeLine my payment. The service saved me hundreds, perhaps thousands of hours of clerical work. I am extremely grateful and would recommend it to any unknown author.”
Vito Victor – Santa Cruz, CA
February 2017



“I had a good response, about sixteen requested to see some of the novel, and four request to see the complete manuscript.”
Michael McManus
February 2017



Lessons of Redemption“Many thanks to Gini Graham Scott. She helped me find a publisher for, Lessons of Redemption, which was just published through a mailing to publishers by Publishers Agents and Films, and now has been helping me in writing, editing, and doing some research for my book Baltimore on Fire, which is based on my observations, interviews, and experiences after Baltimore erupted in response to Freddie Grey’s death in a police van. She has done a great job for me and I recommend her highly.”

Kevin Shird
Author of Lessons of Redemption and Baltimore on Fire
Baltimore, Maryland


“I heartily recommend Publishers Agents and Films. The difference between that service and sending individual queries is like the difference between a rocket ship and roller skates.  I did get an agent as a result of my query.”
Chelsea Lowe
Editor, Writer
Brookline, Massachusetts


“Through your company, I got an agent in New York for my children’s trilogy, Thunderblunder…They’re finally going to send it out soon…so I’ve been pretty excited about it.”
Marianne Gage
Author, Thunderblunder


image005“Black Rose Writing is releasing my book, An Unexpected Indiscretion. I never considered myself a bodice ripper, but it appears that I am now.  Thanks for making the introduction through Publishers Agents and Films.”
Marcy Bachmann
Author, An Unexpected Indiscretion
Walnut Creek
“So far, I heard back from about 15 people from my mailing to film producers and agents, and three have requested a copy of my book.”
Kate Walter
Author of Looking for a Kiss: A Chronicle of Downtown Heartbreak and Healing
New York, New York


The Deep See- book Cover“Gini helped me so much in editing my book on The Deep See, based on seeing much more about yourself from looking into a single picture. Then, she helped me publishing my book under a short deadline for a big conference I was attending as a NLP trainer. A great job well done.”
Naomi Bareket
Author, The Deep See
NLP Certified Trainer
Castro Valley, California


“Gini Graham Scott helped in writing my book: At Death’s Door about end of life care, and helping patients and their families choose the best option to minimize pain and suffering at the end. She did a great job in helping me bring out the stories of the patients to make the book come alive and put the reader beside me in dealing with these patients day to day. I really feel I have written a powerful and important book about a timely topic. Many thanks to Gini Scott for her help.

Sebastian Sepulveda, M.D.
Author of At Death’s Door
Chelmsford, Massachusetts


Remodeling Stress? Cover“Gini Graham Scott helped me publish my book, Remodeling Stress and saved me over $3.00 a book in the process, getting the price per copy reduced from over $5.50 to $2.15 a copy.  She also helped with cover revisions.  I was very pleased with the results, and I highly recommend her for help with self-publishing.”
Robert Clifford
Author of Remodeling Stress
Building Pros
Danville, California



“I worked with you prior and you were great. I wrote the book DYING TO BE YOUNG. It was published by Nightingale Press, a small house. I reached #1 on Amazon’s best seller list and Top 20 of Barnes and Noble within 60 days of release…I look forward to working with you again.”
Dr. Eric Kaplan



“I used your service 18 months ago and got a book contract because of it! It will be called Cracking the Parenting Code and will be released in January 2009…I appreciate Publishers and Agents so much. They got me started in my new career as a PUBLISHED AUTHOR! Thanks again for your excellence of service.”
Laura Lee Heinsohn – Happy Valley, Oregon
(Formerly FBI Parent, now Cracking the Parenting Code)



youll_never_nanny_small.jpg“I was extremely pleased with Gini’s service and I am thrilled with the agent/manager and then publisher I found for my book. I believe this is a wonderful avenue for new writers to reach publishers. I still remember the day that I sent out my letter to publishers and agents. I actually had to hire someone to come in and help me answer all the emails. What fun it was.”
Suzanne Hansen – Portland, Oregon
“You’ll Never Nanny in this Town Again!” The True Adventures of a Hollywood Nanny
New York Times Bestseller


make_travel_dollars_worth_a_fortune“I was too pressed for time to research and distribute individual queries to agents for my second book, so I used Publishers and Agents to help me find a literary agent who would be a good match. I received over 25 requests for a proposal and six agents offered representation. The one I went with secured a deal at a very appropriately matched travel publisher and I’m very happy with how the process worked throughout.”
Tim Leffel
Author of Make Your Travel Dollars Worth a Fortune
Travelers’ Tales Publishing


golden_circle_secrets_book.jpg“Being first time authors we tried repeatedly to get published on our own but were rejected by every publisher we applied to. However, after reading an article about Gini’s service in the Wall Street Journal, we gave it a try and hit a home run. After the query went out, we had 16 publishers asking to review our material, including all major business book publishers. After many conversations, we landed with John Wiley & Sons and the book hit the #1 Sales Management Book and the #1 Customer Service Book in the country as rated by After that we tried Gini’s PR service and now we are appearing on numerous regional and national radio programs. We would recommend this service to anyone.”
Ben and Dale Midgley
Authors of Golden Circle Secrets


Remember-Us.jpg“I have been swamped with people who want to read my manuscript about holocaust survivors after you sent out sent out my email…Thanks for your help and guidance.”
Vic Shayne – Boulder, Colorado
Author of Remember Us





Shattered-Pearl.jpg“By using your service, we receive over thirty requests from agents and editors for our non-fiction book. The query was done efficiently and effectively. You have my highest recommendation.”
Sara L. Armstrong – Acworth, Georgia
Author of The Shattered Pearl




Hes-History-Youre-Not.jpg“By the way, your service sold yet another book for me. My initial email blast sold the book to Adams Media. When that didn’t work out, I got the rights back and another email blast re-sold it to another publisher. Hooray! For a number of reasons my agent had never approached the second publisher but they loved it, and gave me a decent advance. So now you’ve sold 3 books for me–including the same book twice. Is that a record?”
Erica Manfred – West Hurley, New York
Author of He’s History, You’re Not


The-Heart-of-a-Cult.jpg“Just wanted to let you know that in my first week (which happened to include Thanksgiving) I had 54 requests to see my proposal for Gurus Behaving Badly and three offers of interest, one of which I accepted yesterday…Wow, is all I have to say. You guys are fantastic. Thank you so much for creating this service. I’m sending all of my writer friends your way….You’re providing a great service.”
Lisa Phoenix





Healing-from-Trauma.jpg“My e-query went out early Monday morning. By 9 a.m. in Colorado, I had 10 requests to see the proposal or manuscript. By 4 p.m., I had 20. In all, I had 13 publishers and over 20 agents showing interest. I received 2 offers from publishers WITHIN 2 WEEKS of the query going out, and I picked what I thought was the best one. The book was then scheduled to come out half a year later. Wow! I never would have imagined so much quick response. (I had waited 9 months to hear from 6 publishers before this.)One of the reasons I think this service is so effective is that queries go to people at the top. In 3 cases, acquiring editors showed interest when others lower on the chain had previously rejected the book. In one case, I received a response from an editorial assistant saying no when 3 weeks earlier the executive editor had offered me a contract!Thanks, P & A, for opening up these doors!”
Jasmin Lee Cori – Boulder, Colorado
Authos of the nonfiction book: Healing from Trauma: A Survivor’s Guide to Understanding Your Symptoms and Reclaiming Your Life


Making-Waves.jpg“Unparalleled! That is how I rate your innovative creativity, prompt service and honesty. You covered every aspect of my needs to find a publisher for my first novel. I received a flood of gracious responses to the (appropriately) hilariously funny equery letter you penned and send out. The responses included dozens of agents who have showed enthusiastic interest plus several publishers who requested copies of Making Waves, which, I had self-published a minimum run for a business promotion years ago — Gini, if only your skills and services had been known to me then. Still, better late than never. Thank you!”
Kenneth Pearce – Concord, California



What-Freud-Didnt-Know.jpg“I’m going through the many replies that I received. Quite a few (10 or so) have asked for my proposal. Looks quite promising. Much thanks.”
Tim Stokes – Boulder, Colorado
Author of What Freud Didn’t Know



Forever-and-a-Day.jpg“I certainly appreciate your help with the sending of my query to agents, publishers, and editors. Approximately 200 responses were received by me within several days time. It was quite a job sorting out everything. The holiday season was very busy. Of those responses to my email, approximately forty of those have turned out to have some potential. Will keep my fingers crossed.”
Eric Jensen – Ft. Collins, Colorado
Author of Forever and a Day: The World War II Odyssey of an American Family



Shakespeare-Suppressed.jpg“So far I’ve had 21 book proposal requests for my book on new research on Shakespeare: Shakespeare Suppressed. Thank you!”
Katherine Chiljan – San Francisco, California





Prisoners-of-Love.jpg“I just wanted you to know that in the past 24 hours, I have received 8 positive responses and I am extremely happy with your service. I would recommend it to anyone who is serious about getting things done! I feel like I passed through a veil that was holding me back. It was worth every penny even if nobody buys my book. I am sending out copies of my book to the people who asked for it.”
Toni K. Cyan-Brock – Princeton, Texas
Author of Prisoners of Love, a guide to help family members when a loved one is in prison



Walking-18-Holes-with-Tiger.jpg“Looking forward to being your next success story…We have received a great deal of interest as expected on our book Walking 18 Holes with Tiger. Thanks.”
Mike L. McColgan – Danville, California
Editor Golf Today Magazine



California-Healthy.jpg“I had a tremendous response to the query email. By Monday afternoon, the first day, I had received replies from 7 publishers wanting to see more!…Thank you so much; I really appreciate your service and I’m recommending it to everyone.”
Patricia Hamilton, Publisher – Pacific Grove, California
Author of California Health: Complete Guide to Healthy Foods, Wines and Great Walks for Travelers and Locals




Soul-Seeds.jpg“We have received 4 favorable responses so far for my inspirational gift book. Pretty good I think.”
Carolyn Kleefeld – Carmel, California
Author of Soul Seeds




The-Smiling-Pets-Recipe-Book.jpg“I have over 200 emails with responses from your query letter on behalf of my pet cookbook! Amazing responses and one email even commented on my nice query letter. I thank you!”
Connie Reisenbigler – Tulsa, Oklahoma
Author of The Smiling Pets Recipe Book



Beer-in-the-Bilges.jpg“We have now received a total of 45 expressions of interest to our queries regarding our book Beer in the Bilges, including the biggest publishing houses in the U.S. This is far beyond our expectations. Thanks again for all your help in connecting us to these influential people…And just to update you, I wanted to let you know that I flew to New York to meet with the agent and we’ve now signed a 12-month contract. We really appreciate your review of the contract and ongoing suport. I expect that the next news I will have for you will be a publishing contract.”
Alan Boreham – British Columbia, Canada



The-Climb-of-my-Life.jpg“I got some good responses so far, many within the first day…and I am happy with who you reached for my memoir The Climb of My Life. Thank you.”
Kelly Perkins – Laguna Niguel, California




Tanked.jpg“I received an avalanche of responses for my query to publishers about my memoir, and several have requested more so far, and it is a delight to at least read a ‘good luck’ from many others…I believe your letter did it!”
James L. Sullivan
Author of Tanked




Touch-the-Sky.jpg“Your service has worked amazingly for me for my memoir. So far, I have had two New York agents actively pursuing my work and over 30 requests to read more. Thanks.”
Sandi Browne – Ruidoso, New Mexico
Author of Touch the Sky




Please-Dont-Eat-the-Animals.jpg“I got a good offer on the vegetarian book! Now my agent called all the other editors who it was submitted to and gave them until Monday to make an even better offer. So I am jazzed!!! You are the best…You helped me so much! Lots of gratitude.”
Jennifer Horsman – Laguna Beach, California
Author of Please Don’t Eat the Animals




Emotional-Bullshit.jpg“The response to the equery for my self-help psychology book has been excellent. This morning I will be selecting an agent to represent the book…Thank you again for your excellent professional service.”
Carl Alasko – Monterey, California
Author of BS Kills: How Denial, Delusion and Blame Destroy Your Life




How-to-Get-Arrested.jpg“As for positive responses, 6 have asked for the book or proposals so far. Sent them out today…Thanks, fingers crossed…I will keep you posted on what happens and will tell many about you and your services.”
Michael J. Wallach – Los Angeles, California
Author of How to Get Arrested: How to Break Into Hollywood



Loss-of-Innocence.jpg“Just wanted to send you a note thanking you for all your help a year or so ago. Our book will be released in April 2007 from Virgin Books. Our book is about our family’s effort to save our daughter from Carren from Methamphetamine addiction. We couldn’t have accomplished the almost insurmountable task without your early assistance. I got over 50 requests via e-mail asking for synopsis and proposals. Thanks for your help.”
Ron Clem – Kalispell, Montana
Author of Loss of Innocence


Honey-Who-Shrunk-Our-Money.jpg“I was told that finding an agent and much less a publisher was a Herculean task, so I had nearly resigned myself to self-publishing my book, HONEY, WHO SHRUNK OUR MONEY? However, Gini convinced me to send out a query letter, since I had already made the effort to write a proposal. Gini edited my proposal and wrote a query letter for me. Then, she emailed it to her list of publishers and agents. I wasn’t holding my breath. I expected at most to get interest from maybe one or two agents or publishers. You can imagine how surprised I was to get 58 responses to the query letter from agents and publishers who wanted to see the proposal. The publishers included Dearborn, John Wiley & Sons, McGraw-Hill, Farrar, Straus, Giroux, St. Martins Press, Doubleday, Harper Collins, and Random House. As you can imagine, I couldn’t recommend Gini’s services more highly…And the result is I SOLD MY BOOK TO ST. MARTIN’S.”
Curtis Arnold – Jupiter, Florida

Understanding-Asset-Allocation.jpg“Everyone who responded to the email query was very nice. A big surprise for me. I received about 25 responses with three asking for book proposals. A couple of weeks ago I signed an agreement with McGraw-Hill with the title of Understanding Asset Allocation. McGraw-Hill said the book will be published sometime in the fall of 2006. As you can imagine, I am quite excited about this. Thank you very much for your help, and I will surely be coming back to you for more help with article queries.”
Scott Frush – Walled Lake, Michigan



My-Cuban-Story2.jpg“123 responses…with about 30 wanting to look at something. This is a great response and I’ve passed along your service to several writers.”
Vic Cabrera – Burbank, California
Author of My Cuban Story





The-Joy-of-Depression2.jpg“SHOCK and AWE are the only words I can use to describe your service! This morning (within minutes of your e-mailing), I received very nice responses from over 40 publishers for my four humor books. 14 of them (now up to 17) including many of the largest and most prominent, want me to send them my books ASAP. And these just weren’t junior editors either, these were senior editors and even the publishers themselves. Very few times in life do people deliver what they promise; even rarer are those individuals who deliver much more. You are definitely in the latter category!”
David Samson – Los Angeles, California
Author of THE JOY OF DEPRESSION, WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFIN, and other humor books



Latter-Days.jpg“I’ve been writing and selling for nearly 20 years, and nothing, including three literary agents, has ever gained me access to interested editors like the Publishers and Agents service. I’ll be using it again.”
Coke Newell – Idaho Falls, Idaho
Author Dying Words(Scripps Howard)
Latter Days (St. Martins Press)



Inside-the-Cage.jpg“I recently purchased your mailing service, and I am writing to thank you, and tell you that Simon & Schuster has picked up my book, Inside the Cage, about playground basketball in New York City, due completely to your getting my letter to an editor there. Good going.”
Wighty Martindale – New York, New York




Mom-Looks-Great.jpg“Hi Gini, I wanted to update you on the equery for my book Mom Looks Great. I currently have four very interested publishers…I have a few others that want me to mail the manuscript. In total (in one day), I have eight interested parties from the equery – pretty darn good, as far as I’m concerned.”
Sherri Dodd – Los Gatos, California



Able.jpg“I can’t thank you enough for your incredible service. About 200 agents responded to my pitch for Positive Distractions: One Company’s Loyal, Disabled Workers Show that Love and Compassion Make Good Business Sense. Nearly half of the agents wanted to see the proposal, many offered encouraging comments and several wanted to take on the project right then and there. I quickly signed with a fabulous AAR agent and, five weeks later,had a publishing contract in hand. Thanks to you, I can now spend my time writing rather than selling. Bless you!”
Nancy Henderson Wurst – Chattanooga, Tennessee


The-Firemans-Wife.jpg“Thank you for all your did to get my book The Fireman’s Wife exposed and for your help with my equery. It will be published in 2005 by one of the large New York publishing hours. I think they’re one of the top four.”
Susan Farren – Rohnert Park, California





101-Simple-Lessons-for-Life.jpgGini, I received over 50 responses from my query requesting the manuscript. Can’t count the total number. The president of one publishing house called me tell me why the book would be best with his house. Hopefully, the book will sell soon. My Agent LOVED the response. How quick is this? WOW.” (And here’s a more detailed article she sent to various writing publications and Web sites about the service).”
Marsha Marks – Savannah, Georgia
Author of 101 Simple Lessons for Life



Open-Here.jpg“To this point I must say your service is an astonishing development in the transformation of the world of publishing. In the first 12 hours after the query went out for my book Open Here: You Hold the Keys, I received requests from executive editors and senior editors at several major publishing houses, including St. Martin’s, Ballantine, Rodale, and Barnes & Noble. Altogether, I received responses from over a dozen publishers and after 6 weeks, have been offered a contract by a major publisher who wants to publish the book…Also, thanks for your help in polishing up my query letter and in selecting the appropriate recipients. Quite a service you offer.”
Suzanna Stinnett – Sebastopol, California



Instant-Self-Hypnosis.jpg“I wanted to let you know that thanks to your services, I got a great New York agent (had a choice of three) and I’ve just signed a publishing contract with a major publisher, Sourcebooks! I even had another offer from Rodale. Your list and your phone consultation are easily worth 10 times what you charge.”
Forbes Robbins Blair – Washington, D.C.
Author of Instant Hypnosis: Self-Improvement as Your Read



The-Doctors-Guide-to-Weight-Loss-Surgery.jpg“I have found this an effective marketing tool, since I got over a dozen major publishers who expressed interest in my previously self-published book on weight loss surgery. I eventually sold it to Random House and it will be out later this year.”
Erica Manfred – West Hurley, New York





The-Right-Medicine.jpg“I think you are a genius putting this whole operation into place. I am very pleased and happy. I have eight serious editors who want to see my proposal, and I am now putting the finishing touches on the revisions. Thanks for the advice on marketing, too. Feels like good advice on the gut level.”
Maury Breecher – San Diego, California
Co-Author of A Doctor’s Prescription to Solve the Health Care System and Enhance Your Personal Health
Member ASJA



Grand-Entrances.jpg“Besides using the Publishers and Agents service to pitch two columns on antiques and pets to syndicates and newspapers, I found a query especially help for a book on the experience of Jewish soldiers in World War II. Though I wasn’t even sure if there was a commercial market for this book, I got a tremendous response from both agents and editors, and my book is now being considered by a dozen publishers. I also found it helpful to get some advice on how to best write and present my proposal from Gini Graham Scott.”
Terry Hamburg – Oakland, California
Author of Grand Entrances
Columnist of “Test Your Antiques IQ” in the San Francisco Examiner


Successful-Direct-Marketing-Methods2545023d84e68b.jpg“Thank you for your help with my book. After you sent out my query to agents, I received e-mail responses from 116 agents, and 29 asked to see my proposal. I sent the proposal to those who would accept it via email — 16 agents, due to the timely nature of my book. Two asked to represent me, and I signed with one of them.”
Bob Stone – Atlanta, Georgia



Just-for-Awhile.jpg“I just wanted to let you know about the response to the query for the children’s stories. I received about 35 replies…Five told me to mail the manuscript…So, I’m very excited and hopeful!…Will let you know what develops. Thanks again.”
Virginia Connelly – Carmel, California





Happiness-Genes.jpg“To date, I have received about 29 agent replies for the proposal…This was a better response than I expected; consequently, you can put me on your list of satisfied customers.”
James D. Baird, Ph.D. – Naperville, Illinois
Author of Our Spiritual Genes and Their Power for Self-Transformation




101 Amazing Things about God“It’s not that I couldn’t find these e-mail addresses on my own. Sure I could…if I spent 3 weeks researching them and making long distance phone calls to confirm them! And then spent another week typing up and sending e-mails to each of them. But, why should I do that, when I can type one e-mail, sent it to PublishersAndAgents on one evening and …within hours of my e-mail going out (ON A WEEKEND) start replying to all the interest from major firms. This service is exactly what busy writers need. Someone to do the work for us. Like having my own personal secretary. I’m going to recommend this to all my agent and writer friends! I LOVE it!”
Marsha Marks – Savannah, Georgia

Fiction Books

 “I received about 20 positive responses, asking for the entire manuscript for my novel or some portion of it.  Far more than I expected! And there might be more over the next few days.  Thank you for your help.  I truly appreciate it.”

Washington, D.C.

“I’ve already had a ton of request for my manuscript or part of it! You’ve done your usual superior job. Thank you so much!
I’ll let you knew when the book sells, and meanwhile, I have a bunch of agents to choose from.
You’re the best.”

Mary McHugh
Author of Cape Cod, Crabcakes, and Carnage
Chatham, NY

“I have received quite a few positive responses with three agents asking for a complete manuscript and four or five asking for partials. Obviously I don’t know how your system manages to generate such, but you have my thanks. Your list is an amazing list in some odd way – your data base really covers everybody!”
Will Roberts – Foley, AL
September 2017



“So far I’ve had 22 responses (not counting the auto responses). Three have asked for my manuscript, so I’m pleased with the results so far.”
Randal Luce – Montgomery Village, MD
September 2017



“I really appreciate the service that The NudgeLine provided by sending out my query letter to hundreds of agents and publishers. It was a great boost to get so many positive responses, and to be invited to send sample chapters or the complete manuscript of my novel to over two dozen agents and publishers. NudgeLine really does get your work in front of key players in the industry!”
Terry Repak – Seattle, WA
July 2017



“Thank you again for my query work. I’ve received a number of agents requesting the completed manuscript and a number asking for sample pages, anywhere from the first three chapters to the first 100 pages.”
Paul Zarou – Valencia, CA
February 2017



“Thanks, Andriana. I have 5 or 6 requests already. So let’s keep our fingers crossed.”
Michael Jacobs – Los Angeles, CA
January 2017

Weevil.jpg“Way-ta-go!!!…I have already received 55 responses to my coming of age novel about getting a surprising education working in the Texas oil fields during the summer of 1952. 12 of them want immediate action: chapters, manuscripts, et al…I’ll keep you posted.”
Charley Levergood – Elizabethtown, Tennessee
Author of Weevil




People.jpg“YOU PEOPLE ROCK. 30 requests for manuscripts, mostly full — so FAR — and from good folks. I’m praying for a snow day tomorrow to deal with all this!”
Hildie Block – Arlington, Virginia


The-Lost-Epistle-of-Jesus.jpg“I have been so busy responding to requests for my manuscript that I’m only now writing to thank you! This process has been fabulous for me! Several publishers and a number of top drawer New York agents have expressed interest in my novel THE LOST EPISTLE OF JESUS. This has been the most energizing, exciting week for the business side of my writing career that I have ever experienced. Thank you so much for all you did for me, and did so professionally, and in such a short time. I am truly speechless with gratitude. . .Many, many thanks to you.”
Evan Drake Howard – Pawtucket, RI



Lily.jpg“I was completely taken back by the great positive response I received from publishers and agents as a result of your sending out a letter to the market place regarding the book I have written – LILY. There were 21 agents and publishers who requested to read my book. Three wrote back with great reviews and look forward to seeing my next effort. Thanks to you my work was finally read by those who mattered. I will definitely use your service for my next book. Thank you.”
Marilyn Stuart – Edgewater, Florida



The-Scent-of-Sake.jpg“My novel, The Scent of Sake, has gone on auction as a 2-book deal, with 10 publishers bidding on it! Thanks again for getting me on this wonderful track…And now two weeks later I can report The Scene of Sake is being sold to HarperCollins. Thanks again.”
Joyce Lebra – Boulder, Colorado
Professor Emirta, University of Colorado




Climbing-Mountains-in-Stilettos.jpgThanks so much!! What an amazing response for my novel With a Twist. Love this service!!”
Ann Tinkham – Boulder, Colorado
Co-author, Climbing Mountains in Stillettos





Fat-Chick.jpg“I just wanted you to know that the query blast you did for me has gotten me an age. The query went out and that same day as well as the next, I got an overwhelmingly positive response. The agent I am going with is reputable, knowlededeable, and is so excited about my book that I know it will be championed to the best of abilities…I could never have reached out to so many agents so quickly without your help. Many thanks.”
Lorraine Merkl – New York, New York
Author of Fat Chick



The-Putneyville-Fables.jpg“When I got home today I had 76 e-mails! And one phone call. Have already sent off chapters to one agent…This looks VERY PROMISING…Now I’m sending out lots of chapters. You are a wonder!!!…And thanks for all your excellent help with my query”
Marianne Gage – Lafayette, California
Author of The Putneyville Fables




Heat-Lightning.jpg“The responses from agents are still coming! You have a wonderful service, and it’s well worth the money. Many thanks and keep your fingers crossed that I get an agent for Heat Lightning.”
Ruth Coe Chambers – Neptune Beach, Florida





Dark-Innocence.jpg“Well, I am up to seven requests for material from agents so far…I never imagined such a positive response! It’s rather amazing….Thanks again.”
Rahima Warren – Lafayette, California
Author of Dark Innocence, fantasy novel




Unidentified-Woman.jpg“My experience using Publishers and Agents’ services is very positive, and I will recommend it to anyone in a heart beat. I used it for my novel An Unidentified Woman.”
Hillel F. Damron – Sacramento, California




A-Package-at-Gitmo.jpg“Many many thanks. I’ve heard from 40 agents and I’ve had six requests for my manuscript. I can’t thank you enough.”
Paul Bouchard – Carthage, New York
Author of A Package at Gitmo





The-Amazing-Graces.jpg“Out of the query letters that you sent out for me, 46 requested all or partial manuscripts, so of course I am really pleased…And now I wanted to let you know that I just got a call from one of the largest agencies who wants to represent me! And please feel free to quote me any time.”
Darlene Ensor – Jacksonville, Oregon
Author of The Amazing Graces




A-Given-Line-in-Time.jpg“In the same day of my query letter being e-mailed out for my novel, I received two separate requests for sample chapters and one request for the complete manuscript from the William Morris Agency. Stay tuned and thanks for everything, Gini!”
Scott Lingen – Dublin, California
Author of A Given Line in Time






“I wanted to write to say how impressed and pleased I am with your services. Six days after we collaborated on drafting my query to literary agents, the results have been impressive to say the least. Of the many responses I received 30 (yes, THIRTY) requests from agents to review my manuscript and consider representing me to publishers. Ten of the thirty are among the largest, most prestigious, literary agencies in the U.S. and Europe.”
Ray McElhaney – Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Author of Yesterday’s Shadow



The-Stonecutters-Aria.jpg“I have positive responses, mostly from agents, but a few from major publishers. So I am excited at the results and I thank you for your help.”
Carol Faenzi – New York, New York
Author of The Stonecutter’s Aria




Voodoo-Storm.jpg“The positive responses for my thriller VOODOO STORM have turned into a flood, including a request for the complete manuscript from one of the largest publishers…Plus I have gotten a lot of similar comments like this, even when a publisher wasn’t interested: “I want to commend you on your excellent, excellent query: I have no doubt you will find representation with such a well written exposition of such a creative and suspenseful work. Thanks for your suggestions on improving my query letter.”
Davis Temple – Bonita Springs, Florida




Two-Weeks-Since-My-Last-Confession.jpg“So far I’ve heard from about 50 publishers and agents who want to see part of my book…Keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for all your help.”
Kate Genovese – Woburn, Massachusetts
Author of Two Weeks Since My Last Confession




Chairman-X.jpg“Thank you very much for your help with my letter…I received 6 requests for the manuscript from publishers and 7 request for a full manuscript or sample chapter from agents.”
Rami Loya – Potomac, Maryland
Author of Chairman-X





The-Motley-Man.jpg“I am more than pleased with your services…Within one hour I achieved more through Gini’s services than I had through one year on my own. Within several days, I had eight people interested in seeing more of my novel. I highly recommend that any new author wishing to maximize exposure in the sealed-door publishing section use Gini’s services.”
Daniel Duguay – Ottawa, Canada
Author: The Motley Man




Passage-to-Paradise.jpg“Thank you for the wonderful service you provided me to contact literary agents for my book PASSAGE TO PARADISE. I got about 150 responses so far, out of which 36 agents expressed interest in reading the manuscript or the first few chapters.”
Max Jameson – Houston, Texas





20-30.jpg“I received about 40 positive responses in the first week or so for my coming of age novel, 20-30, and I submitted to all of them…Thanks.”
Paul Grenert – Cedar Grove, New Jersey






Silver.jpg“Just wanted to let you know that the response to the email queries to agents and publishers was phenomenal for Silver, my literary novel, a fictionalized autobiography of Long John Silver. I received at least 50 requests for pages, and haven’t yet sent out the regular mail queries. Thank you so much.”
Ed Chupack – Wilmette, Illinois





White-Heat.jpg“I think the information you have is terrific and the speed with which you work is beyond terrific…I have gotten lots of positive responses and have sent out a lot of manuscripts or portions thereof for my new novel White Heat…I think your service is really terrific.”
Paul Marks – Santa Clarita, California




Junk.jpg“As far as finding an agent, I was able to do in a matter of days what normally would have taken months, even years. Within a couple of weeks of using this service, the William Morris Agency signed me as a client.”
Michael Goodwin – New York, New York
Author of Junk




Succession.jpg“Many thanks for all your help in sending out a query for my novel Succession to literary agents. I was very pleased with the results I got, and will be referring your service to others, too.”
Herbert Lobseng – Fairfield, Connecticut





The-Candidate-Conspiracy.jpg“As a result of your e-mail query to agents for my international suspense novel The Candidate Conspiracy, the first day I received responses from 45 who wish to see the entire manuscript or other materials…out of a total of about 100 responses. That is about 1/2 positive. I will take those odds any day! Thank you so much!!!…You are terrific!!! Now it is up to me…(and 2 months later) Well, I got an agent. Will sign contract this week. Many many thanks. Just wanted to let you know ‘it worked’…that is your work worked. My wife and I went to NYC and interviewed 3 agents who had expressed interest and decided to go with one of them. Can’t tell you how much I appreciate your help.”
John Odam – Houston, Texas



“I’mI-Never-Woke-Up-til-I-Was-Forty.jpg am overwhelmed by the great response that I am getting from the query that you sent for me…many from top publishers and agents. I received over 150 positive responses to my query! Your service is worth every penny! Thanks so much for connecting my book, I Never Woke Up ‘Til I Was Forty, to the right channels.”
Martha Knight Foster – Bangor, Maine




Autobiography-of-Maria-Callas.jpg“I got 60 acceptances to your query! I just sent out the first proposal to one agent. If she doesn’t take my book, I should be able to find an agent among the other 59.”
Alma Bond – Key West, Florida
Member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors
Author of I Married Dr. Jekyll and Woke Up Mrs. Hyde; The Autobiography of Maria Callas, A Novel, and other books




Rage-Against-The-Dying.jpg“Just to let you know, I’m being represented by an agent I found from your service, and she’s spend a lot of time on the book to make it A list. Thanks again for your service, and I’ll be recommending it to others…Within two hours of your sending the query, I received 25 yes responses…And thank you so much for your advice on my letter. I think the letter is much better for it.”
Becky Masterman – Tucson, Arizona
Author of the detective mystery: One Tough Broad



The Ritual 2“Thanks for all your help…You’re very dedicated and thorough and it’s most appreciated…Thank you again for all your careful consideration, your insight and expertise.”
Gregory Blair – Redondo Beach, California

Children’s Books


“Gini and her team are extremely helpful and super quick with turnaround time.  I submitted my query, they helped me edit the letter a bit and within a couple of days it was out in mass emailed to over 600 publishers and editors.

I literally would’ve never been able to do this without them. Nobody has time to compile a list of that magnitude.  So far I’ve gotten about over 40 positive responses. I’m super grateful for their services.”


“I have already received about 20 responses to the letter you sent out regarding my book — thanks so much! Two of the respondents have asked to see the book.”
Carol Hand – Frontenac, KS
February 2017



“Thank you for checking in! Six publishers were interested – and I sent them the material they requested.” Catharine Bramkamp – Cotati, CA
March 2017



Through your company, I got an agent in New York for my children’s trilogy Thunderblunder…They’re finally going to send it out soon…so I’ve been pretty excited about it.

Marianne Gage
Author, Thunderblunder
Lafayette, California



The-Helpers-Apprentice.jpg“This is a very efficient and economical way to get information about a new manuscript submitted to targeted editors and publishers in a way that is easy for them to read and respond to. I have used it to good effect and will use it again.”
Carl Pickhardt – Austin, Texas
Author of The Helper’s Apprentice, an urban fantasy for young adult readers




Annie-Mills-and-the-Vampires-Ring.jpg“I must say I am absolutely floored by the overwhelming response…Your contacts and e-mail addresses were almost perfect. I have received 25 positive responses to the query asking to see either my entire manuscript or a portion of it. Now this by no means guarantees me an agent or getting my book published, but for my money, you did your job by getting my foot in the door…Thanks.”
Rich Serafini – Leominster, Massachusetts
Author of Annie Mills and the Vampire Ring




Maria-Dracula.jpg“I am amazed by how many requests I’ve got (even from people who initially rejected my project)…11 requests so far, and they’re still coming. Thank you, thank you, thank you!…Thank you again.”
Denise Roman




Little-Jane-Silver.jpg“Thanks so much for your help with my query letter to children’s agents for my YA novel. The response to my query has been impressive! It’s hard keeping up with all the requests.”
Adira Rotstein – Los Angeles, California
Author of Little Jane Silver





Thunder-in-the-Woods.jpg“Thank you for your help with my children’s book The Twig Tops Thunder In the Woods. I got several responses and mailed a couple of copies today…Thank you again for your help.”
Lucille D. Adams – Marlboro, Massachusetts





Adventures-of-Sam.jpg“Just a note from me to say what a professional job you have done. I have had eight asks for the full book so far…And now that I have sent out my second query with you for an additional book, I had over 30 responses for publishers and agents.”
David Churcher – Surrey, England
Author of The Adventures of Sam in the Space Planet of the Sweets




Just-Kidding.jpg“I am getting a lot of response. Some calls as well. A little overwhelming to say the least…Thank you for helping me with my book: Just Kidding! Stand Up Comedy for Teens.”
Antoinette (Toni) Attell – Van Nuys, California



Noahs-Freezer.jpg“I’m amazed. Within 20 minute of your sending out a query for me to offer film rights for my best selling suspense thriller novel NOAH’S FREEZER, a producer called me who wants to buy it, and the film rights to my book have been sold.”
Erik Stoops – Cave Creek, Arizona




The-Dogs-of-Kaloon.jpg Return-to-Kaloon.jpg“After dealing with a couple of shady firms in the past, I’m happy to send accolades to someone who actually do what they claim….Thanks…The response has been overwhelming for film rights for my books. So far I have about eighty responses…for the most part they are very encouraging. Good job…You run a great service, glad I subscribed.”
Carl L. Galey – Mattoon, Illinois



Rescuing-Madison.jpg“Just wanted to let you know your service was a success for my screenplay, RESCUING MADISON. I received ten requests for my script and that’s much better than your competitor’s results. Your list is obviously better and I’m sure a lot of hard work goes into keeping it updated. Two of the ten companies have already read the script and are considering it. I’m looking forward to my next query for my new script IF THAT AIN’T COUNTRY.”
Terry Brody – Bellerose, New York




Counterclockwise.jpg“Let me report to you the result of my recent query to film producers. I had some serious contacts…So all and all I am pleased with the query result. Now I am thinking to try the same thing with agents and managers.”
Oge Eray – Northport, New York
Author of Counterclockwise




Brain-Warp.jpg“Wow, it is truly amazing how fast people request. In two days alone, four requests came in for a copy of the book for which we are selling film rights for a political/medical thriller. Even those not interested responded quickly and were very nice.”
Judy and Gil Snider – Virginia Beach, Virginia
Authors of Brain Warp





Copper-Star.jpg“I just wanted you to know that I ended up signing a six month agreement to represent the film rights for my historical novel Copper Star.”
Suzanne Woods Fisher – Alamo, California





Full-Moon-Morning.jpg“Dear Gini: first of all WOW! THANKS SO MUCH. It’s already getting results…I am thrilled. And here’s a quote you can use: ‘Writer’s write, Gini PROMOTES. Let her help you and keep your feet on the ground because if you have an unique idea, Gini is THE WAY to get you noticed above the fray: I will use her for all of my projects!”
Barbara Bitela – Roseville, California
Author of Full Moon Morning: A Shanghai Survivor Story



Loving-Joe-Gallucci.jpg“We have been getting tons of contacts from our equery to producers and agents for the film rights to the screenplay by Renee Michelle Moore based on my published book Loving Joe Gallucci. Thanks.”
Kate Genovese – Woburn, Massachusetts





The-Minute-Waltz.jpg“Working with Gini Graham Scott has been excellent. She’s organized, responsive, and extremely efficient. I received 22 positive responses; 7 wanted to get the script right away, and 15 were very interested in the idea. Also, every time I called with questions, she was there and answered them. That meant a lot to me as a newcomer to this industry.”
Peggy Horn – Lafayette, California
Author of Minute Waltz




Flying-by-the-Seat-of-My-Pants.jpg“I have used a total of four times now, and each time have been stunned by the wonderful results. I have referred this service to hundreds of friends and fellow professionals and all have rave reviews. Recently I used Gini’s SCREENWRITERS SERVICE to announce the availability of film rights to my newest book FLYING BY THE SEAT OF MY PANTS: FLIGHT ATTENDANT ADVENTURES ON A WING AND A PRAYER. (WaterBrook Press, Random House – May 2005) As usual, this service delivered more than it promised. I was stunned by the number of producers and feature film companies asking for the treatment and showing interest in the acquisition of rights to the book. Thank you Gini, for providing a much needed service that takes the sting out of rejection. With your service, only those interested reply. And there is no face to face “go take a hike” or “wasted time”. I love this!”
Marsha Marks

Film Industry


“I would be happy to give you applause for sending out my query letter… So far it was very successful in that I received two phone calls within two days from film producers who were quite excited about turning my historical novel, A Cherry Blossom in Winter into either a TV series or a feature length film…

If it had not been for your efforts and that of your company, I would never have had the time or energy to find those two individuals or those fifteen other managers, advisers, or agents who responded to my query letter.

Thank you. You made my day!”

Ron and Darla Singerton
Banning, California



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